Posture Changes in Aging Women
A recent post on the information site talks about “Posture Changes in Aging Women.” The article references a recent study in BMC Geriatics. The researchers looked at and measured 260 females ages 20-90. They concluded that the goals of therapy for women as they age should focus on reducing any trunk inclination (slouched forward posture), reducing the deepening of kypohsis (rounding of the back) and, where appropriate, working to restore or maintain the normal lumbar curve (preventing sway back). While the researches were not chiropractors they point out treatment goals we consistently see achieved with our patients at Health and Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Center. This study points to one of the reasons maintenance chiropractic treatment as we age is important. The research article can be found here: Drza-Grabiec J, et. al. Changes in the body posture of women occurring with age. BMC Geriatr. 2013 Oct 12;13(1):108. Here is a link to the article on To learn more about Health and Harmony Chiropractic please visit